Find Nightlife in Denver

The Church Nightclub
4.1  5 Rating (1)
1160 Lincoln St, Denver CO, 80203
The Church Nightclub is part of the SoCo Nightlife District which is comprised of several bars and clubs within a few blocks, all South of Colfax.
La Rumba
Bar $$$
99 W 9th Ave, Denver CO, 80204
Dance club in the Golden Triangle district featuring many themed nights for including Latin salsa nights, DJ hip hop, top 40 & disco.
The Retro Room Salon and Lounge
Bar $
2034 Larimer St, Denver CO, 80205
In the Bar: $3 You-Call-Its (Daily 4-7pm) Wednesdays: $20 Mens Haircuts 4pm-9pm) Awesome Hang Out Bar Home of "The Pickle Shot" and "The Scorpion...
Millers and Rossi
Bar & Restaurant $
3542 Walnut St, Denver CO, 80205
A contemporary art gallery in the front and a fresh new twist on a 1920s-style speakeasy in the back, Millers and Rossi is a new venture started by a group...