Walmart Parker - S Parker Rd

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11101 S Parker Rd
Parker, CO 80134 LittletonRate and review
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"The secret of successful retailing is to give your customers what they want. And really, if you think about it from your point of view as a customer, you want everything: a wide assortment of good-quality merchandise; the lowest possible prices; guaranteed satisfaction with what you buy; friendly, knowledgeable service; convenient hours; free parking; a pleasant shopping experience."

- Sam Walton (1918-1992) is a lot like your neighborhood Walmart store. We feature a great selection of high-quality merchandise, friendly service and, of course, Every Day Low Prices. We also have another goal: to bring you the best shopping experience on the Internet.

Founded in January 2000, is a subsidiary of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Our headquarters is on the San Francisco Peninsula near Silicon Valley, where we have access to the world's deepest pool of Internet executive and technical talent.

But we think of ourselves, first and foremost, as a retailer. So our ties to Bentonville, Ark. - where Sam Walton opened the first store that bore the Walton name and where Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., is still based - give us our foundation.

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