Children of Hope children's homes are designed to function as homes not orphanages.
A home where kids are cared about,
not simply cared for;
A home where the caregivers see what they do as a calling,
not just a job;
A home where staff go beyond investing in the children to
becoming their family.
Building hope and a future for these children begins with the provision of essential resources. The Children of Hope home has modern utilities necessary to contribute to the health and well-being for our children and staff. Safe water, electricity, and sanitation are foundational components to a healthy home, which increases the children's opportunity to flourish and grow.
Children of Hope has two children's homes. The first is located in the agricultural village of Kitalale in western Kenya. The home sits on a ten acre plot. Half the property is utilized for home use, a playground and large vegetable garden. The remaining five acres are used for agriculture and livestock. The crops and animals are the primary food supply for the home. Any remaining produce or animals are sold to supplement ongoing operational expenses for the home.
The second home, Kikuyu, is located on 50 beautiful acres of land in the ouskirts of Nairobi. There are two cottages that our older boys and girls call home. There is a large main building for our younger children. Kikuyu Town is densely populated with many commuting to Nairobi for work.
In the process of caring for