Sat Mar 25, 4:44 PM - Sat Mar 25, 7:00 PM
1401 Zuni St Suite 106, Denver, CO 80204

Community: Denver


The season has come! Join the Habitual Roots community for joyful ritual and sacred play in celebration of the Fall Equinox. Do join us in Denver to have a great time!

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-Live DJ

-Ecstatic dance

-Genuine Connections

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Join the Habitual Roots community for ritual and sacred play in celebration of the solstice and equinox, when the light returns and finds balance with the dark. This is a potent time for self exploration and personal restoration. Amanda, one of our lead facilitators, will guide us through 108 sun salutations, cacao circle, and meditation.


For the first part of this event, Amanda will guide us through 108 sun salutations. We practice 108 because it is considered a sacred number in many traditions and is often used in prayer and ritual. Vedic culture views it as a number of the wholeness of existence. Modifications will be offered so all levels are welcome!


After yoga, we will sit with ceremonial cacao and explore how it can profoundly open us to our own hearts. Amanda will lead us through a SENSEual meditation with this plant medicine, inviting it to be both a guide and a gateway for increasing our depth of awareness, energy, and clarity.

B.Y.O.Ms (Bring Your Own Mugs & Mats)


Kevin, the co-founder of Habitual Roots, will play music for us during ecstatic dance. Ecstatic dance is an invitation for self discovery and celebration through movement. This form of self expression from an embodied perspective creates a sense of freedom and bliss unlike any other.

We practice 108 because it is considered a sacred number in many traditions and is often used in prayer and ritual. Vedic culture views it as a number of the wholeness of existence.

We will sit with cacao and explore how it can profoundly open us to our own hearts. Amanda will lead us through a SENSEual experience with this plant medicine, inviting it to be both a guide and a gateway for increasing our depth of awareness and freedom within ourselves.

All levels and experience welcome!

Come As You Are. We will meet you there.

We only ask that you...

Be open to listening and potentially sharing within group settings.

Be compassionate and respectful to all participants; practice active listening and social distance boundaries.

Be free and supportive of your body in how it would like to move and express in a safe environment.

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