Mon May 27, 12:00 AM - Mon May 27, 12:00 AM
8340 Northfield Blvd, Denver, CO 80239

Community: Denver


A page for those that love the PT Cruiser to share and post events and gatherings in the Colorado area and to share photos and PT ideas.

Event Details

We will meet for the 2019 Annual Commerce City Memorial Day Parade at the Del in Northfield Stapleton. We will then proceed to the staging area together as a group. Please bring patriotic decor for your PT Cruiser.
Due to new parade requirements please make sure to have proof of your automobile liability insurance with you along with your current drivers license. if you don’t have these two items you will not be able to participate in the parade. Please RSVP to Cindy Liles via email on the club site or by responding “yes” here.
We will lunch together after the parade at the Islamorada Fish Co. at the Bass Pro Shop in Northfield Stapleton. Our reservation is for 11:30 a.m. please let us know if you’re coming as we have to give an exact head count. We will see you there
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