Northern Lights Little League


13950 York St
Thornton, CO 80602 ArvadaRate and review
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Little League Baseball started in the Thornton/Northglenn area in the early 60's. At that time all the games were played at surrounding schools in the area. (Northglenn Jr. High, Woodglen Elementary, Leroy Drive, Wyco Elementary... just to name a few). As the cities grew so did the need for more fields.

In 1965 land owner Walt Stonehocker sold 255 acres of farmland located at 112th and York Street to North Glen Recreation District which is now known as the City of Northglenn. He sold this to them with one stipulation; that Northern Lights Little League gets 25.25 acres of that land for the development of a 9 field baseball complex for the cost of $1 per year for a 40 year period starting on January 1, 1968 and going to January 1, 2008.

In 1966 Northern Lights Little League Inc. became its own entity and serviced the children east of I-25, about 50% were Northglenn children and 50% were Thornton children and Northglenn Little League serviced the west side of I-25. Dedicated volunteers worked several hours running raffles and other fundraisers to raise the money to purchase fencing and other materials to develop the complex along with several donations from businesses in the area. This complex relied soley on volunteers for the upkeep of all fields. NLLL did not have access to any water therefore Northern Lights Little League never had grass. All fields were nothing but dirt, weeds and stickers.

In 1993 the City of Northglenn felt the need to build a golf course and homes

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